Legal requirements for website owners concerning nLPD in Switzerland

Here are some key points for website owners to consider under Switzerland’s new data protection law:

Informing users: Website owners must inform users about how their personal data is collected, processed and used. They must also provide information on the purpose of the data collection, how long the data will be kept and users’ rights regarding their data;

Consent: Website owners must obtain explicit consent from users to collect, process and use their personal data. Consent must be free, informed, specific and unambiguous;

User rightsWebsite owners must respect users’ rights with regard to their personal data, such as the right of access, the right of rectification, the right to erasure (“right to be forgotten”), the right to processing limitation, the right to data portability and the right to object;

Data security: Website owners are required to implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of personal data and prevent leakage, loss or unauthorized access.

Notification in the event of a data breach: In the event of a data breach, website owners must inform the competent supervisory authority within 72 hours of becoming aware of the breach, and the persons concerned without undue delay.

International data transfers: Website owners must ensure that international transfers of personal data are carried out in accordance with legal requirements, particularly when data is transferred to countries that do not guarantee an adequate level of protection.

Liability and penalties: Website owners may be held liable for non-compliance with data protection law, and may be subject to financial penalties for breaches of legal provisions.

It’s important to consult a data protection lawyer for specific, up-to-date advice on the legislation applicable to your situation.


CHF 9.90


ou 99.- HT/domaine/an

Fonctionnalités incluses :

  • Interactions illimitées
  • 1 domaine
  • Registre de consentements
  • Personnalisation graphique
  • Modèle de politique de confidentiailté

Accompagnement technique en conformité avec la nLPD

Bénéficiez d’une expertise locale afin de mettre en oeuvre une solution technique conforme aux exigences de nouvelle loi sur protection des données en Suisse

  • Aide technique à l’installation et la configuration du plugin sur votre site internet
  • Personnalisation du plugin selon vos besoins
  • Audit technique de vos flux de données et conseils de mise en conformité (Intégration CRM/ERP, Traitement des données depuis le site web, Utilisation des outils de tracking, etc.)

Accompagnement juridique pour la protection des données

Obtenez des recommandations et de l’expertise juridique de l’étude DFS Avocats, basée à Genève, experte en protection des données.

Aide à la mise en place de la politique de confidentialité de votre site internet
Conseils ciblés et personnalisés dans le domaine de la confidentialité (LPD et RGPD)
Aide à établir le cadre réglementaire à la collecte, au traitement et à l’utilisation des données personnelles en conformité avec la nouvelle Loi sur la protection des données (nLPD).